Students should wear holiday or church attire for the programs. School is dismissed following all preschool programs.
9:30am T/Th 3’s. Students arrive at regular time. Parents will be permitted to go to the church sanctuary following the arrival of all students (9:15).
10:30 Morning Pre K program. Students arrive at regular time. Parents return by 10:15 for entry to the program- note there is a program just before yours, so you will not be able to enter until we have cleared that program…parking will be limited if you arrive early and the 3’s classes have the spots.
1:00 Afternoon Pre K program. Students arrive at regular time. Parents will be permitted into the sanctuary once we have completed the afternoon arrival of all students.
7:00pm Kindergarten Program. All are admitted at 6:45 pm, students sent to classrooms, parents to the sanctuary.
Following all Christmas Programs, Papa Hoho will be available in the church fellowship hall (Big Room) for photos. Refreshments are served.