Our Kindergarten students have the opportunity to extend their school day for an hour and add some fun and educational classes. Each semester we choose activities such as taekwondo, art, lego club, running club, Daisy Scouts, Engineering, Science club, gymnastics, drama, or show choir. Students may choose to participate in something every day after school, or just one or two days per week. Cost for these vary and can be paid with the regular tuition payments or paid in lump sum. Time is from 2 - 3 pm.


2017-2018 FIrst Semester options include:

Monday- Spanish

Tuesday- Tiny Chef Cooking School or Taekwondo

Wednesday- Engineering for Kids or Art

Thursday- Discover & Explore Science Lab

Friday- alternating weeks of Lego Club and Running Club

Daisy Scouts will run on Lego Club day

Be sure to view our photo gallery for more photos of the kids in action after school.

DAISY Scouts

The youngest group of Girl Scouting is set to earn petals on their Daisy vest, they learn the Girl Scout Promise, the Daisy song and field trips and friendship building activities.  A volunteer mother or two can take an online tutorial on running a Daisy Troop.  Our troop collects dues, has their own bank account and boxes of art supplies. We do not sell cookies.  Each week features something new to learn towards a flower petal, such as respect, leadership, responsibility, and service projects.

Look for more photos as they travel on field trips, make creative projects and do nice things for others with service projects.
